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Thursday, January 16, 2014

Two PNW Optimist Clubs are named Distinguished by Optimist International

Congratulations are in order for the Middleton Area Optimist Club and the Twin Falls Optimist Club. Both were given Distinguished Club status by Optimist International for the 2012-2013 administrative year. The announcement came via the annual Awards Hotline distributed to all Optimist Club leaders by Optimist International on January 15, 2014.

Earning Distinguished Club status means that the club, in addition to performing three or more service projects, recognizing an outstanding person or organization for optimistic achievement, and paying all financial obligations in a timely manner, has also added to the membership growth of Optimist International. This can be accomplished by starting a new Optimist Club or by adding a net 15 new members to the club's roster.

Both the Middleton Area and Twin Falls Optimist Clubs qualified through club membership growth. By adding new members to their existing club, they were able to extend their reach, do more projects in their local communities and continue to generate new enthusiasm for the values of an Optimist Club.

To be awarded the Distinguished moniker, clubs must first meet Honor Club requirements. Other clubs that were recognized as Honor Clubs in 2012-2013 are the Albany Optimist Club, Portland-Northeast Optimist Club and the Optimist Club of Vancouver, BC.

Every year, every Optimist Club should strive for Honor Club status for it signifies that the club is doing all that it can to plan for its future in its community. Sometimes leaders will say that they don't do it for the awards, but rather, they do it for the kids. Well, this is your wake-up call: if you are not doing the minimum requirements of Honor Club, your club will not be around to do it for the kids in the future.

This is your goal: be an Honor Club in 2014. Find out how.

This is your challenge: be a Distinguished Club in 2014. Find out how. 

Congratulations to our exceptional Optimist Clubs this year.

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