It is not really a secret, but then again, it is not really being talked about all that much either. On October 1, 2017, Optimist International will officially begin using a new logo. Revealed during the 98th Annual Convention in the summer of 2016, Optimist Clubs, Districts and Optimist International have had a year to use old inventories of stationary and brochures in preparation for the new logo release.
This year, at the 99th Annual Convention, attendees saw the new logo wherever they looked - from the Sunport Airport upon arrival in Albuquerque, New Mexico (nice touch!), to the convention center banners, on the convention stage, and on most handout materials.
You might agree that the logo looks familiar. It is very much like the watch that Distinguished Optimist Club presidents receive at the end of a successful year.
In addition to the horizontal version seen here, there is also a stacked version where the logo appears above the Optimist International name. Please feel free to save the logo for use with your Optimist Club. We understand that the logos and branding guidelines will soon be available at the Optimist International website under marketing tools.
We love stories about your Optimist Club. Please tell us one and we'll add it to the website.
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