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Wednesday, November 15, 2017

30 years ago, Jack Towns was recognized as the Governor of the Distinguished PNW District

PNW Optimist ClubsFor those of us who spend waste time on Facebook, we know that TBT stands for Throwback Thursday. Traditionally, on this day, people and pages will often share an old picture of a significant, funny, or memorable event. 

Today, Past Distinguished Governor Jack Towns shared such an awesome memory that I couldn't wait until Thursday to share it here so that it will reach more than our Facebook fans. 

Check out this newspaper article shown on the right (click to enlarge) and you'll see that three members of the Albany Optimist Club were recognized for their service and achievement in optimism in 1987. 

That's right! In 1987, the Pacific Northwest District was named a Distinguished District with Jack Towns as its Governor. The Lt. Governor for his club's zone, Gordon Vogt, earned Distinguished Lt. Governor and the Albany Optimist Club was designated an Honor Club with Charles Stoakes as President. 

Please let this memory serve as encouragement for all to always strive to be your best and help your Optimist Club be its best, too.

Thanks for your many years as an Optimist Club member, Jack, Gordon and Charles.

Photo credit: Jack Towns

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